Incubus. Surely one of THE most underrated American rock bands?
Sure, everyone always raves about the same old crowd but Incubus never seem to have been given the credit they deserve. They've been making music for 16 years now and in my eyes, have never made a poor album!
Now that's some going, don't you think? Their latest offering, 'Light Grenades' isn't one of their finest but still a damn good effort with some real stand-out tracks. 'Earth to Bella' & 'Light Grenades' are 2 of my favourite tunes but unfortunately the album seems to suffer from the same fate as many an album... starts off all guns blazing but slowly dies out towards the end, normally forcing me to choose something else before it's finished.
This may be just me being impatient but surely I'm not the only one that does this?
Anyways, it's still a good record but if you're new to Incubus then I suggest you check out S.C.I.E.N.C.E. & Morning View first
- Sounds like: nothing else really. Clever rock music I thinks. Catchy melodies, nice thrashy parts too.
- Stand out tracks: Light Grenades, Earth to Bella, A Kiss To Send Us Off
- Released: November 28th 2006
- MySpace: myspace.com/incubus
- Website: enjoyincubus.com/