Friday, September 29, 2006

Gregory Collective's no.1 Tip

Welcome to my Friday blog which is set to be decidated to 'NEW' music, I sound like Zane 'Twatty' Lowe already. Basically in my unemployment I have done alot of listening to stuff because I have nothing else to do, so all the minutes of unspent working go towards this, dont say this is a side project, currently its my 'job', not that my Mum or Dad recognise that. So here's my tip next week, I was alerted to this thanks to Drowned In Sound, super site of music, on one of their podcasts which apart from two artists on there (one of which I am featuring), it was a Canadian Music love-in. This artist was an exception.

This artist Is Jeremy Warmsley, a young man from London who occasionally wears glasses and yes ther majority of his stuff is in acoustic. Bugger not another acoustic singer songwriter! James Morrison, Paolo Nutini (I'm addicted to his new single, No!!!!!!), James Blunt, Tommy Cunt. But no Warmsley is different, his voice is not the commerical radio-like has the other plonkers currently cluttering the charts, its a lot more natural, less produced and lot more 'real' sounding, doesnt mean its incredibly good, it just means it sounds nice and proper.

Secondly Warmsley shows more musicianship than any of those horrible commerical radio brown-noses, he knows music inside out and the composition of it all, similar to Stuart Murdoch of Belle And Seb's instant recognisation of when a record sounds light-good fun. Although, the subject matter and reasoning maybe a very dark subject. His lyrics are not the everyday tales which apply to other twee musicians, its alot more personal to himself which fits with his more honest signing style.

So, why listen to him than say Stephen Fretwell and other singer-songwriter capable of writing a personal story. Well, Warmsley seems to be able to fit himself in a new category, a singer-songwriter who has the eye for what the Guillemots and Belle And Seb are doing, Warmsley also is original as I mentioned he knows what makes music and its not like a guitar band play by numbers. Its his canvas and he's in control of the paint.

In basic its a nice sound, with a more natural voice with him accomdating the music not showcasing a voice like on X-Factor or Pop Idol, also not a songwriter to make a point of an issue. Hes not here to please the masses or tell kids 'life's hard', hes his own man making music regardless of people ideas and stereotypes.

Hear Him on: (Dirty Blue Jeans and 5 Verses in particular)

Or alternatively buy his new single which was on September 25 'I Believe In The Way You Move'

Or use his web page, I think there is a new album on the wayeth anywhereth.


Stringle said...

great tip off, enjoying the real rich sound he doesn't seem afraid to experiment at all- nice to know theres really talented artists who know how to make a rich sounding recording without slipping into bubblegum pop. Listening to each track as I'm writing this so. Respect for him is growing.
Reminds me to a degree of badly drawn boy, - singer songwriters need to reach creshendos in their music, not always trying to acheive the sublime through subtlety.

I likes him.

Harry Gregory said...

I have an eye for talent.

Harry Gregory said...

Album is out on October 9 just found out.